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Here’s How You Can Help
Our referral process is designed to be straightforward and transparent, ensuring that young people and their families feel informed and supported throughout. We welcome referrals from a variety of sources, including local authorities, social workers, health professionals, and young people themselves.
At GRACEINLIVES, we accept planned and emergency referrals and work with Placement teams and EDT to accommodate urgent placements. We request that emergency referrals are accompanied by risk assessment forms completed and returned within 24 hours of the Placement. For best practice, we prefer that placements are planned and that each young person is properly prepared before taking up residence.
Upon receipt of the referral, a risk assessment is carried out and a careful matching process is undertaken to facilitate Placement decisions. We may communicate with other professionals where required in determining the suitability of a young person for the Placement.
We encourage the young person to visit the Placement before moving in to meet other young people already living at the Placement as well as support staff.
A person-centred support plan is developed on the basis of the referral documentation, which needs to be identified in the risk assessment, and the young person’s Pathway Plan. This provides the framework for the delivery of support that addresses the young person’s independence preparation.
On moving to our Placement, every young person is given a welcome pack with all the information that they need including the respective expectations and responsibilities of the Placement and the young person.
GRACEINLIVES will provide to the referring Local Authority, weekly updates in the first two months and monthly progress reports thereafter. However, all incidents, accidents, and missing person information will be communicated to the Social Worker as soon as it is practicable to do so.
Thank you for considering GRACEINLIVES as a potential provider for the young people in your care. We are committed to providing the highest level of care and support to help them achieve their full potential. If you have any questions or would like to make a referral, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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